Best Cloud Services for Your Business

Finding the best cloud services for your business isn’t always easy. Choose the right cloud services with help from the IT team at Tekie Geek.

Choosing the Right Cloud Computing Platform for Your Business

Technology plays a big part in our world. From applications we use every day to big businesses that rely on secure and effective telecommunications, making sure you can stay connected is paramount. As technology evolves, we get more innovative ways to enjoy its benefits. Cloud computing is one such advancement that many of today’s businesses take advantage of.

At Tekie Geek, our team can help businesses in New York and New Jersey get the support they need by providing the best cloud computing services for their specific needs. Let’s take a closer look at how these services work.

What Are Cloud Computing Services?

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of information technology (IT) resources over the Internet. This on-demand service is great for businesses of all sizes because it allows them to get the computing power, storage, and specific databases they need without requiring them to purchase or house the physical servers and datacenters that are required. This means smaller businesses won’t have to waste valuable space in their already limited work environment, and large businesses that require massive amounts of storage and high-speed computing capabilities won’t have to stress over how to maintain everything.

These services provide plenty of applications that companies of all sizes and industries will appreciate, including:

  • Storing data
  • Backing up and recovering data
  • Creating cloud-based web, mobile, and API applications
  • Streaming audio and video
  • Delivering on-demand software and software updates
  • Testing and building applications
  • Keeping your teams and locations unified
  • Analyzing data
  • Embedding intelligence

Why Are These Services So Helpful?

These days, companies rely on cloud services for several key reasons, including:


If you don’t need to spend the money on the typical hardware and software needed to handle these important business services, you can use it for other crucial aspects of your business. Not to mention the expense of powering up the large data centers you may need and the IT specialists that you’ll have to keep on staff.


Because cloud computing services allow on-demand self-service, businesses will love being able to get the resources they need quickly and easily. Deploying the exact services you need in minutes allows you more time to test and explore to make sure everything is to your liking.


Another benefit of on-demand services is that you get as much or as little as you need. Traditional data centers require you to overestimate your requirements and pay more than you typically need or get stuck without the resources you need at critical times. Being able to adjust your resources instantly based on necessity can help ease your stress.

Greater Reach

If your business works with companies and clients from around the globe, cloud services are the way to go. They allow your data, applications, and tech advancements to quickly get to your end users.

Saving Time

If you have IT specialists on staff, having hardware and software to monitor and fix will prevent them from being able to help with innovative developments or solve tech issues that come up. Cloud computing can free up time so IT teams can focus on more productive tasks.

Reliable Upgrades

Most of the cloud service options you’ll find provide frequent upgrades. This helps ensure your power isn’t lacking when you need it most.


Using dependable cloud platforms meansyou’ll get added security features. These providers will offer controls, technologies,and policies that help keep your data, apps, and infrastructure protected.

Some of the Best Cloud Services Available

Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure are two great options for cloud computing services. When analyzing Azure vs. AWS to see which is right for you, you should explore what makes each platform special.

Benefits of Azure

This cloud operating system and platform uses a virtual hard disk (VHD) and offers cloud storage, databases, computer services, network services, cognitive services, analytics, and more. Azure allows the user to develop and deploy applications in the cloud itself. The platform allows a scalable runtime environment for your web and distributed applications, and it uses Identity and Access Management to help secure applications and data. It also provides a variety of backup and disaster recovery (DR) services to protect against disruptions. This makes the platform great for companies that deal with private data and those that require dependable speeds to meet their clients’ demands.

Benefits of AWS

AWS is great for offering storage compute on-demand services, known as Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Simple Storage Service (S3). This platform allows the user to build a virtual computing system with the services they need. This includes network support, DNS, database support, a caching system, and more. Because of its versatility, AWS is used by many large enterprises and start-ups for game development, data processing, warehousing, and more.

Both platforms offer Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) types .IaaS offers on-demand infrastructure resources over the cloud, which means customers don’t need to manage, maintain, or update their data center infrastructure. PaaS is a service that delivers and manages the hardware and software resources to develop applications through the cloud. With PaaS, customers will still have to write code and manage data, but the cloud service provider takes care of the environment in which the apps are created and deployed. SaaS offers an entire cloud-based application for customers to access and use. All updates, bug fixes, and maintenance tasks are done by the provider.

Look To the IT Experts

At Tekie Geek, we provide a wide range of IT services, including managed IT, unified communications, and more. Our experienced team knows all the best cloud computing services and how they work for different types of businesses. We can help businesses in New York and New Jersey get the specific cloud services they need without paying for expensive servers and data centers that require more maintenance. If you want to learn more about our IT services or are ready to make the switch to the cloud, contact us today.

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