Don't Take the Bait: 5 Signs You're About to Get Phished

Not sure how to spot something suspicious in your emails, texts, or calls? Staying sharp and knowing the red flags can save you from a phishing attack—here’s what to watch out for!

What Is Phishing?

Phishing is a form of cyber-attack where scammers pretend to be legitimate businesses or organizations to trick you into giving them sensitive information. This could be anything from your login credentials to your credit card numbers. Phishing often comes in the form of emails, text messages, or even phone calls that seem trustworthy at first glance.

The goal is to get you to click a malicious link, download an infected attachment, or respond with personal details. Once they have this information, cybercriminals can gain access to your accounts, steal your identity, or even drain your bank account.

Phishing scams are like that email from a distant "prince" promising you riches—if only you'd send your bank details. Spoiler alert: you won't be crowned royalty, but you might find yourself knee-deep in trouble. So, how can you tell if someone’s trying to reel you in?

How Do Phishing Attacks Work?

Phishing is sneaky. Attackers carefully craft messages that look like they come from a legitimate source, such as your bank, a popular online retailer, or even your boss. These messages are designed to create a sense of urgency, tricking you into acting quickly without thinking it through.

Here’s a quick guide to spotting a phishing scam before it catches you:

     1. If It Seems Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is

If an email promises you the moon (or a free iPhone), take a step back. Scammers love using big prizes to get you excited—and distracted. Legitimate companies don’t randomly hand out prizes for no reason, so before you click "Claim My Prize," ask yourself: Did I even enter this contest?

     2. "Urgent!" Emails That Rush You

Ever received an email that sounds like a ticking time bomb? Phrases like "Act Now!" or "Your account will be closed" are designed to make you panic and react without thinking. Real companies won’t rush you into making decisions with ultimatums. Take a breath and check the sender’s details.

      3. The "From" Line Looks Fishy

Scammers are getting clever, but they can still trip up on the basics. Check who sent the email. Does it come from a weird domain like instead of Or does the name look right but the email address behind it seems suspicious? If the sender looks off, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

     4. Poor Grammar, Bad Spelling, Weird Phrases

Phishing emails can feel like they're written by someone using a translation app on shuffle mode. Look out for awkward language, bad spelling, or phrases that just don’t make sense. Legitimate companies don’t send out messages that sound like they were written by a robot… unless it’s a robot doing the phishing!

      5. Attachments That Shouldn't Be There

Rule of thumb: if you weren’t expecting an attachment, don't open it! Scammers love to slip in files laced with malware, disguised as invoices, job offers, or even vacation pictures. (No, that isn’t a real Caribbean getaway invitation from your boss.)

Here are some common tactics used in phishing attacks:

  1. Fake Login Pages: You receive an email saying there’s been suspicious activity on your account. When you click the link to "log in," you’re directed to a fake website that looks exactly like the real thing. Once you enter your details, they’ve got you.
  2. Urgent Requests: You get a message saying your account will be locked unless you take immediate action. The urgency pushes you to click without verifying whether the message is real.
  3. Attachments or Links: These are often disguised as invoices, order confirmations, or other important documents. When you open them, malicious software is installed on your device, giving scammers access to your system.

How to Protect Yourself:

While phishing attacks can be tricky, there are steps you can take to protect yourself:

  1. Verify Before You Click: If something seems off, reach out to the company or individual directly using a known phone number or email address—don’t rely on the contact information in the suspicious message.
  2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): This adds an extra layer of security to your accounts. Even if someone gets hold of your login details, they’ll need a second form of identification to access your account.
  3. Stay Updated: Cybercriminals are always changing their tactics. Make sure your software and antivirus programs are up to date to catch the latest threats.
  4. Use Strong Passwords: A unique password for each account can help prevent hackers from gaining access to multiple platforms if they manage to steal one.

Phishing attacks may seem harmless at first glance, but the consequences can be severe. Protecting yourself starts with awareness—knowing what to look for and how to respond when something doesn’t seem right.

Safeguard Your Business from Phishing Attacks with Tekie Geek

Phishing can impact any organization, but it’s especially dangerous for small businesses, which are frequently targeted and may face higher financial risks. If your business in New York or New Jersey needs robust protection against phishing, rely on the IT superheroes at Tekie Geek. We provide the essential defenses to keep your business secure and thriving.

At Tekie Geek, we specialize in helping small and medium-sized businesses defend against cyber threats like phishing through our co-managed IT services. Don’t get caught in the net—reach out to learn more about how we can help keep your business secure and your operations running smoothly!

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