LastPass Security Breach!

LastPass, a popular password management tool, announced last week that they had suffered a concerning security breach.

The breach, which occurred on Friday, June 15, 2021, was discovered by the LastPass team during scheduled routine maintenance.

Initially, the company stated that the breach was limited in scope and included no sensitive user data, such as passwords or payment information. However, it was later discovered that the hackers actually had gained access to some user password vaults, which likely have included sensitive data such as passwords and other personal information.


LastPass has stated that they have not found any evidence that the data in these personal vaults had been accessed or downloaded by the hackers. But as a precautionary measure, the company has recommended that all users change any passwords that are stored in their LastPass password vault.


As a result of the breach, LastPass has released several separate updates and recommendations for users to follow in order to protect their accounts. One of the first things they did was reset the master passwords of all affected accounts. This means that users will need to create a new master password to be able to log into their LastPass account. The company has also urged users to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on their accounts, as this absolutely provides an extra layer of security and protection to your accounts. Tekie Geek suggests enabling 2FA/MFA on all your personal accounts wherever possible.


In addition to these measures, LastPass has also announced some changes to their servicing in order to improve security.

These updates include:

Improved monitoring and detection software and systemization to identify and prevent future breaches

Enhanced security measures for password sharing and collaboration

Improved password hashing algorithms to better protect user passwords


It's important for LastPass users to take these updates and recommendations seriously in order to protect their accounts and sensitive personal data. If you're a LastPass user, we highly recommend you to reset your master password, change any passwords stored within your LastPass vault, and start enabling 2FA on your account as soon as possible. Additionally, it's always a good idea to use strong, unique passwords for all of your accounts, and to absolutely stop sharing or writing down your passwords with/for others, if you are.

Overall, the LastPass breach is a reminder of the importance of taking the necessary steps to protect your online accounts and data today. By following the updates and recommendations from LastPass and us here at Tekie Geek (your cybersecurity superheroes), you can help ensure the security of all your accounts and credentials and keep your sensitive information safe and protected!

Tekie Geek can help you to setup password management tools and properly integrate your business tech in a private, secure, proficient and professional way. With Tekie Geek, issues like the one above can be remediated well before you even know they happened! We strive to keep your digital risk as close to a 0 as possible, and Managed Services helps to make that possible for business across the Staten Island & New Jersey area.

Find out more about Managed IT Services from Tekie Geek and learn how you can outsource all your tech to the geeky guys who enjoy it, so you can focus on what’s important to you- running your business!

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