Cyber Protection From Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

Thwart man-in-the-middle attacks and other cyber security threats with this expert advice. Learn from the IT experts at Tekie Geek.

Secure Email Stops Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

Business espionage activities are operating in every sector and industry of the global economy. You may have heard warnings about criminal hackers masquerading as legitimate businesses to gather private information. Phishing scams such as these can get between internet communications from a company to its business partners and intercept valuable information. Impersonating a trusted organization with bad intent is called a man-in-the-middle attack. Managed IT services from Tekie Geek help companies in New York and New Jersey thwart and stop these attacks.

What Is a Man-in-the-Middle Attack?

In a man-in-the-middle attack, the hacker intercepts communications intended for legitimate recipients or inserts himself between a user and an online application. Small- to medium-sized businesses are often the targets of a man-in-the-middle attack. The goal is to steal private information and use it for financial gain, including wire fraud or rerouting payments.

Companies need to use the internet to conduct business and provide services, but unfortunately, computer networks are a source of vulnerability. A lack of a secure email system, poor data security practices, inadequate employee cybersecurity training, or lack of IT expertise in monitoring company networks can provide an opening to cybercriminals. They use a variety of tactics to gain sensitive information, including:

  • Hijacking the conversation: Hackers usurp internet sessions to take over transactions.
  • Accessing wireless routers: Small businesses are especially vulnerable to theft via router hacking.
  • Impersonation of IP address: Hackers identify themselves as their victims to steal money and information.
  • Malware access to browsers: These attacks can yield browser history, passwords, and other sensitive information.
  • Requests for login information: By impersonating company officials, employees may be tricked into revealing the details of their multi-factor authentication process.

How Much Damage Can Be Caused by a Man-in-the-Middle Attack?

The damage caused by man-in-the-middle attacks can be substantial. Companies can lose savings or payroll funds from financial accounts. Accounting and bookkeeping records may be compromised. They may be blackmailed with threats to release proprietary information to competitors or the public. Healthcare and medical businesses may be accused of HIPAA violations. And personal data about employees and customers can be used to denigrate the reputation of your company.

Tekie Geek Offers Expert Cyber Protection

Engaging professional IT consultants to perform a cybersecurity risk assessment is a good first step toward protecting valuable information at your company. The Tekie Geek team can institute secure email services to help deter criminal activity. We want to prevent business email compromise at your workplace to prevent company leaders and employees from being tricked into divulging private information. To make your business environment safe from man-in-the-middle attacks, as well as ransomware and other criminal activity, we use a variety of skills and toolkits, including:

  • Training staff in safe user policies
  • Filtering out potential email threats
  • Instituting effective password management systems
  • Encrypting emails and cloud-based communications

Tekie Geek can help prevent hacking at your company with IT infrastructure security that covers multiple network levels for business-wide protection.

Bring Our Team on Board to Improve Internet Security

Small to medium-sized companies throughout New York and New Jersey rely on Tekie Geek to keep their records and transactions safe. They depend on us to protect vital information about employees, customers, and business practices. We offer thorough IT analysis, disaster planning, email compromise protection, business continuity services, vigilant monitoring of networks, and service that never stops. Tekie Geek staff is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and 365 days a year. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of working with a managed service provider.

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